Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Scaffold Essay Research Paper The ScaffoldThe free essay sample
The Scaffold Essay, Research Paper The Scaffold The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is described by three significant occasions that happen on the town platform. What takes topographic point on this stage will discover the way which the three boss characters, Hester Prynne, Mr. Dimmsdale, and their young lady Pearl will follow. The three scenes mark the start, in the middle of, and terminal of their disgrace. The framework is where criminals are rebuffed before all the townsfolk. In this example, the criminal is Hester Prynne and the group has assembled to observe her disgrace. The first scene at the injurious stage is Hester? s premier open visual viewpoint with the child and the vermilion message. Hester? s hubby, Roger Prynne ( Chillingworth ) makes an unexpected return and is among the looker-ons. The Reverend Mr. Dimmsdale is other than at that place however he does non remain with Hester on the platform, on the other hand he remains on the gallery with the individuals who condemn her. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Scaffold Essay Research Paper The ScaffoldThe or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page During this clasp, Reverend Mr. Wilson requests that Hester give the name of her sweetheart. He offers her the chance to? take the vermilion note off [ her ] chest? on the off chance that she were to? work out his name? ( 64 ) . Had she yielded and uncovered his name she may neer hold needed to process the embarrassment of the vermilion message. However, she can't, thus her way was set. The second clasp at the platform was a defining moment for Hester. She, Pearl, and Dimmsdale are together for the primary clasp, ? # 8230 ; the three framed an electric connection? as though the Ys were ever intended to be together if something, or individual, had non gotten in their way ( 140 ) . In any case, it is here that Hester in the long run understands the mischief which disguising Chillingworth? s uniqueness has caused Dimmsdale. Chillingworth was? a mystery adversary # 8230 ; ceaselessly next to him, under the shine of a companion and right hand # 8230 ; ? when in truth he was tormenting Dimmsdale at each possibility ( 153 ) . When Hester sees the enduring region that he is in, frail and? near the very edge of frenzy? , it drives her to later search him out in the wood to screech the genuine distinction of Chillingworth, which in twist leads to their program to go forward Salem. Their projects were neer helped through as a result of another visit to the platform. This clasp, Hester, Dimmsdale, and Pearl stood manus in manus before the town. Dimmsdale diminishes his second thoughts and censures Chillingworth for his salacity for requital. After this finishing up katharsis, Dimmsdale? sinks into a profound rest? what's more, gets some end before he perish ( 233 ) . ? ? There was no 1 topographic point so mystery, no high topographic point nor humble topographic point, where 1000 couldst have gotten away from me rescue on this truly framework, ? ? says Chillingworth ( 231 ) . In the terminal, the topographic purpose of their punishment other than brought them harmony. The method of Hester, Pearl, and Dimmsdale? s lives were changed by the deadly occasions at the framework. The beat of their disgrace was communicated all through The Scarlet Letter by these scenes. The framework turned into a topographic point where reality and their wickednesss were uncovered.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
J.C. Penney Gift Certificate Concerns Essays - E-commerce
J.C. Penney Gift Certificate Concerns J.C. Penney Gift Certificate Concerns J.C. Penney Company, Inc. has as of late presented another retail location (POS) framework formed by NCR Corporation into their stores. In the initial a half year of activity, it has become evident that there are unexpected issues with the bookkeeping and control capacities relating to blessing endorsements. The new POS framework doesn't accommodate sufficient following or control of the testaments on the business floor, store level deals review has deficient strategies or information catch capacities set up to follow deals precisely and relegate obligation regarding missing authentications, and corporate bookkeeping has no influence over the blessing endorsement bookkeeping on the store level and are continually attempting to accommodate blessing declaration data. Issues on the Sales Floor At the POS terminals on the business floor, blessing declarations are being put away underneath the sales register in a cabinet with no security or control. The security and control of blessing declarations has been ignored during the drafting of the techniques for the new POS framework. Accordingly, the security and control on blessing endorsements on the business floor that had been set up with the old framework has essentially halted. Representatives are simply using the rule of relying on trust. At the point when deals partners ring up a blessing declaration deal they need to key 1) the fitting twelve-digit SKU from a rundown of 3 decisions, and 2) a dollar esteem for the blessing endorsement appeared on the face. For instance, SKU #1 spoke to the $25 blessing declaration, SKU#2 spoke to the $50 blessing endorsement, and SKU #3 spoke to the $100 blessing testament. After the business exchange is finished, the business partner should physically record the dollar estimation of the blessing authentication on their money review report. During times of high volume, at times this last advance is disregarded. Commonly, the clerks are simply keying SKU #1 for any blessing authentication deal and entering in the suitable dollar esteem from the essence of the blessing testament. The SKUs are not electronically attached to a dollar esteem. This is a constraint of the past POS framework that was not tended to during the testing phase of the new framework. Accordingly, the blunder rate is high and inconsistencies in blessing endorsement deals are normal. At the end of the move, an electronic clerk report is produced on the register that just shows a complete dollar sum attached to a SKU. This electronic clerk report is come back to the money room alongside the receipts and the manually written money review report. Issues in Store Level Sales Audit At the point when the money review report returns to the workplace with the pack of receipts and the electronic clerk report, estimations are performed on the manual money review report to distinguish the measure of blessing authentications sold. This is contrasted with the electronic clerk report. In the event that there are disparities, deals review assistants are required to utilize the electronic clerk report as the right report for evaluating purposes. The dollar measure of the blessing declarations sold is recorded on a month to month blessing testament log and another running month to month balance is determined. Any new blessing authentications got from the corporate office are recorded on another log and the affirmation of receipt (from inside the book) is marked by an individual from the executives and came back to corporate bookkeeping. Toward the month's end, records of blessing testament receipts (payment from corporate), records of blessing authentication deals, and oth er bookkeeping records are sent to corporate representing check after an endeavor on the store level for compromise. Issues in Corporate Accounting Senior supervisors are answerable for calling and approving a book of blessing testaments to be scattered for their store. At the point when this happens, the blessing testaments are recovered from the vault, the book number is logged, and the dollar estimation of the book is likely charged to the store. At the point when the affirmation of receipt from the store is gotten, it is thought about against the stores records, the charge for the blessing testaments is affirmed, and afterward the affirmation is documented. When a month, corporate bookkeeping get deals review data from the stores and endeavors to accommodate, yet normally have no preferable karma over the store level review representatives. Examination of Problem It is exceptionally clear that there
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pink Writing Paper - Making Their Own Personal Statement
Pink Writing Paper - Making Their Own Personal StatementA pink writing paper can be the perfect choice for any child's room. Of course, these sheets are designed with a little bit of modern flair to them and are available in a number of different styles. The choices that you have when it comes to buying a pink writing paper will depend upon your child's tastes and likes.Depending on how much pink is already in their room, they may just want a plain black sheet of paper with the words 'cheese' written across it. With a simple black colored sheet of paper, they can all be kept from disturbing one another while they are writing their school reports or performing other homework assignments.Then again, some children just need to have more fun! They may want to make their own school announcements with the help of a blue ribbon. If they can write their name with a pink ribbon that they can put over their shoulders while they are doing their homework, they will surely enjoy their first pink writing paper.While doing their reading assignments, they may want to use one of the many different types of pink colored papers. This way, they can cover up their notebooks so that nothing on the desk can be seen, as well as cover up their books when they are reading. By adding a couple of pink crayons to their color papers, they can even transform the notebook into a real pink writing desk.Pink also gives them something to look forward to when it comes to their school events, as well as their official school pictures. For example, if they need to get their photos printed for their pictures, they may want to consider purchasing one of the many pink photo albums.Some children may just be interested in learning about a new interest or hobby that they are engaged in. They may be the type of person who loves to paint, drawing, and crafting, just to name a few. In order to help them get in touch with their inner artist, they can take them to their local art supplies store and get a stac k of pink cardstock.They can then label these pink ones and begin to make their own handmade pencil sharpeners by using the white ones. They can even use their favorite pink paper and write a bit of their name on it, or some lyrics to their favorite song. The possibilities are endless.Pink writing paper is always a good option for any child who wants to express themselves. Even if they do not have a certain preference in terms of their colors, they can still find the right paper for their needs. Just take the time to browse the many options that are available online and in stores, and you should be able to find something that is a perfect fit for your child.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Greek and Roman Culture Essay examples - 1240 Words
Greek and Roman culture, although similar, are very different and interesting. Since the Romans adopted culture from the Greeks, many traditions are the same. When the Romans conquered the Hellenistic cities, they became fascinated with the idea of a Greek style of doing things. All things Greek were now considered popular. This is how much of the Greek way of life made its way into the Roman society. The first part of culture that the Romans adopted was the Greek art. Scores of Greek paintings were stolen from Greece and imported into the Roman Empire. Roman artists began adopting the Greek style of art, from the emotional intensity to the great detail. â€Å"In many cases, it is very difficult to distinguish between Hellenistic†¦show more content†¦Greek didn’t have the technologies to make these roads. Another thing Rome was good at was making bridges. If Rome had to cross a river to get to a battle, they built a well-made bridge and marched their soldie rs across it. The Greeks, although advanced, were not advanced enough to be able to build these great wonders quickly and efficiently. The Romans and Greek houses were similar, yet different. The Roman houses usually composed of many stories, but many of the Greek houses didn’t, due to their lack of concrete. The Romans had many rooms in their houses, usually each for a specific purpose. Greeks, on the other hand, had many of their rooms dedicated to gods, and only a few rooms. Many Greeks had their houses made out of pebbles, clay, or mud, which had to be kept up, since it would wear away and disintegrate. Greek houses were planned around a courtyard with a garden and statues in it. â€Å"In the modern mind (at least in the modern American mind) Greek and Roman culture and mythology are classed together. An indication of this is that the academic study of the Ancient Greeks and Romans are general put into the same Classics department.†( ythology/gvrIntro.html) Greek mythology had more individual gods, gods that would have unique characteristics and flaws. There were gods for justShow MoreRelatedImpact of Greek Culture on the Romans790 Words  | 3 Pagestheir superior culture to an army of 300,000 men who behaved as if â€Å"they had been born with weapons in their hands†, the Roman culture was unparalleled (Fiero 139). The location of Rome on the Italian peninsula put them in a prime location to encounter rich cultures such as the Greeks. Roman culture would not have been the same if it had not been for the Greeks, because they incorporated multiple aspects of the culture into their everyday life. The Romans were heavily influenced by Greek philosophy,Read MoreHistory Of Roman And Greek Culture1893 Words  | 8 Pagesnot only considered prominent in culture but is often integral. This can be seen especially in ancient Roman and Greek culture, as the combination of theater, music, and dance were sign ificant. Rome has been a place of passionate, bustling life for more than 2,000 years. This trend started when the huge city was founded in 753 B.C.E. Theater has been an essential part of Roman culture since this time, and expressive plays and musicals were performed regularly. Roman plays were often performed in temporaryRead MoreGreek And Roman Classical Culture2251 Words  | 10 PagesUnit I Journal Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14 Howard Quattlebaum His-102-I02 Midlands Tech Unit I Journal Chapter 11 Historic Terms: Renaissance: --Rediscovery of Greek/Roman classical culture: In the rediscovery of Greek/Roman classical culture Greek scientific and philosophical works were available to western Europeans. It was an rebirth of classical learning and a clear rediscovery of the ancient Rome and Greece. The renaissance scholars and artist referred to the classical past and rejected religiousRead MoreWhy The Greeks Influenced Roman Culture1015 Words  | 5 PagesHow is culture transferred from place to place? Cultural transference occurs multi-directionally, because of: the circulation of people (e.g. via warfare and migration), the circulation of items (e.g. trade), or, other pathways of communication (e.g. diplomacy, dynastic marriages, oral and written tradition, etc.). In archaeological terminology, the practice of cultural transfer is called diffusion (Fagan, 1996, p. 175-176). When attempting to examine how much of Roman cultureRead MoreGreek And Roman Influence On Western Culture1063 Words  | 5 PagesGreek and Roman Contribution To Western Culture Greek and Roman culture are the most often thought of in history, and that is due to the many contributions it had to the future. Greeks were very philosophical and were constantly questioning morality. The Classical age of the Greeks, 479-323 B.C.E., is mentioned in reference to tragedies. During this age, Greeks were exploring their minds and searching for deeper understandings. They were also infatuated with fate and the effects of trying to modifyRead More Roman and Greek Philosophys Influence on Todays Western Culture780 Words  | 4 Pages Advances in Art, science and politics were made in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Greek philosophers were among the first in the West to explore nature in a rational way and to make educated guesses about the creation of the world and the universe. This is why Greece is often referred to as the birthplace of Western culture. The ancient Greeks viewed the world in a way that one would today perhaps describe as holistic. Science, philosophy, art and politics were interwoven and combinedRead MoreWhat Did the Greek and Roman Culture Leave for Europe889 Words  | 4 PagesWhat did the Greek and Roman culture leave for Europe The ancient Greek and Roman civilization is not only the cradle of Europe culture , but also the Western culture. The two major ancient civilization is the worlds two eternal monument of cultural history, is the golden age of the West with great relish. Hard-working people of ancient Greece and Rome created countless masterpieces with their wisdom. Ancient Greek culture is the source of Roman culture, Roman culture developed constantlyRead MoreWhat Did the Greek and Roman Culture Leave for Europe883 Words  | 4 PagesWhat did the Greek and Roman culture leave for Europe The ancient Greek and Roman civilization is not only the cradle of Europe culture , but also the Western culture. The two major ancient civilization is the worlds two eternal monument of cultural history, is the golden age of the West with great relish. Hard-working people of ancient Greece and Rome created countless masterpieces with their wisdom. Ancient Greek culture is the source of Roman culture, Roman culture developed constantly onRead MoreHow Cultures of Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans Treated Women581 Words  | 2 PagesAncient cultures treated women more as property than people. The cultures that I will proceed to talk about are Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans and how differently yet how equally treated women. Women were more of a household decoration to the men of each culture, all they did was cook, clean, and be a mother to the children. When the men got home the women were expected to make him happy no matter what. Let’s start out talking about the Mesopotamians. The role of a Mesopotamian womanRead MoreComparing Roman And Greek Mythology1354 Words  | 6 Pages Roman Vs. Greek Mythology Roman and Greek mythology are full of complexities. Much of Greek and Roman everyday life revolved around these myths. Many similarities are obvious between Roman and Greek mythology because the Romans borrowed a significant amount of their myths and gods from the Greeks. Although Roman and Greek mythology have a few components in common, they also have many various aspects that cause differences in their cultures. First of all; values, morals, traditions
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about The Effects of TV, JFK and Elvis on America
Effects on America (1945-1980) From the creation of the United States, it had to overcome many things and take action on multiple issues. Starting with the French and Indian war that removed France from the original colonies, continuing to the revolts against taxes leading up to the American Revolution, when the United States won their independence from Britain, resulting in one of the most important documents in the United States, the Declaration of Independence and our first president, George Washington. Followed by the Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy, that led to the Emancipation Proclamation that outlawed slavery in the United States. Then proceeding to the 1st and 2nd World Wars that gave us nuclear warfare,†¦show more content†¦This was a main reason for many Americans not being in favor of his views, both religious as well as political. Kennedy was the first Roman-Catholic to become president, most other presidents were Protestant. This helped to lead to his assassination while he was riding in a car during a parade in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. Kennedy played a role in reinventing American politics for the better. President Kennedy took office during one of the most troubling and darkest times in American history. The Cold War between democratic and communist countries was becoming more aggressive, and the United States and the Soviet Union possessed enough nuclear weapons to destroy not just cities or countries, but the world multiple times. In American cities, racial tension was on the rise. An increasing number of black Americans had begun to fight for equal treatment, and white segregationists promised to deny these rights, using any tactic they could think of, they would use violence if necessary. These acts soon let to the desegregation of the United States, this was a gigantic turning point in American history, it is where the phrase â€Å"All men are created equal started to finally live up to its meaning. Thes e acts of protest quickly spread through the country do to media sources, such as; newspapers and television, which now was in color. Before its invention, theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Music On American Society2238 Words  | 9 PagesThroughout its history, music has permeated the significant events of American history. Its effect on American society and the way the American people cope with each event has only grown as popular music evolves and new genres reach more and more individuals. People can remember where they were and their exact surroundings to amazing detail when asked about life-changing events in history. Older generations will remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Their children will remember when Kennedy was assassinatedRead MoreEssay on The Glory and The Dream9497 Words  | 38 Pages2. Why was the Committee to Defend America formed? a. The Committee to Defend America was formed after the destroyers swap papers were signed. They wanted to sacrifice Great Britian and focus on strengthening the U.S. for war. 3. What was the purpose of the Selective Service Bill? What was the debate over the Selective Service Bill? a. The Selective Service Bill was the nation’s first peacetime draft. The debate was that millions of Americans wanted America to stay a weak military power. At
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluating The Driving Force Of A Corporation s Success...
In examining the driving force in a corporation’s success, one of the key factors is to maximize on shareholder wealth while considering the motivations of the management team. Often times, these interests are maintained through executive compensation packages that engage managers and executives to perform with regard to the best interests of shareholders. These executives are being incentivized through bonuses in the form of huge bonuses, stock options and awards. Many believe these rewards have become obscene and are in no way reflective of executive level performance. History of Executive Compensation Levels Looking back 50 years, chief executives were making approximately 20 times the amount of the average organizational employee; in 2013, these executives have been said to be earning 300 times the average worker. â€Å"The Securities and Exchange Commission approved a rule in August 2015 that will require publicly traded companies to disclose the ratio of CEO pay to the average employee pay (Anderson, Carol, 2015).†The Dodd-Frank Act will require all public companies to disclose the actual ratio of top level executives to the average compensation within an organization. This requirement allows shareholders a guide by which they can measure pay scales across organizations in industry. Many believe this rule will enforce organ In 2013, the average compensation for top tier executives equated to $13.9M, an increase of nine percent from that of 2012. The performanceShow MoreRelatedExecutive And Ceo Of The Exxon Mobil Corporation1547 Words  | 7 Pages 1.xxxRex W. Tillerson, an American business executive who is serving as chairman and CEO of the Exxon Mobil Corporation since 2006 , was born on March 23, 1952, in Wichita Falls, Texas, U.S. He grew up in Oklahoma and Texas two of the country’s leading producers of petroleum and natural gas. After graduating from high school, he enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a BS degree in civil engineering. He began his career with Exxon in 1975, when he accepted a position asRead MoreRole Of A Leader s Top Responsibilities973 Words  | 4 Pagesbe a success. One of a leader’s top responsibilities is to communicate expectations clearly and accurately to followers. Seagram had to change every aspect of the way that it was managed. They had to unlearn their old culture and new values had to be reinforced. 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To become adept at recognizingRead MoreStudent1522 Words  | 7 Pagesexpansion in sales (assume 1991 sales volume of $3.6 million)? 3. As Mr. Wilson s financial advisor, would you urge him to go ahead with, or to reconsider his anticipated expansion? As the banker, would you approve Mr. Wilson s loan request and if so, any restrictions? O.M. Scott Sons: 1. Who was Scott able to achieve its rapid growth from a local to a national company? What were the key factors in its success? 2. How have the prices of Scott shares moved in the market? 3. Analyze the company’sRead MoreHealth Complications Of Environmental Injustice1751 Words  | 8 Pagesfor themselves, loved ones, and friends. When there is a sudden rise of health issues in these communities, the fear starts to kick. Many communities, such as West Dallas, Texas, Emelle, Alabama and Uniontown, Alabama, live with that reality. The corporations that choose to pollute, contaminate, and dump hazardous chemicals and residues in these neighborhoods are hindering the livelihood of these people and there needs to be actions taken to prevent these risks. According to the book, EnvironmentalRead MoreCase Analysis : Northrop Grumman Corporation6339 Words  | 26 PagesJanuary 30, 2016 Northrop Grumman Corporation: A Strategical Report Executive Review This report will give a brief overview of strategic crucial perceptions of the business traits of the Northrop Grumman Corporation. Within the report analysis it will help management to define the organization?s plan for strategic decision making. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gather Ye Rosebuds Essay Research Paper It free essay sample
Gather Ye Rosebuds Essay, Research Paper It is a approval to those who live today that over the twelvemonth? s work forces and adult females have written poesy. In some poesy have been words reminding those who read it of the fantastic universe in which they breathe and the necessity to populate life. One of the authors of such poesy was Robert Herrick. Herrick used a lyrical manner, unappreciated in his twenty-four hours, to compose poesy that captured the really kernel of carpe diem-to seize the twenty-four hours. Many of his verse forms were published in a volume entitled Hesperides. The most celebrated of those verse forms, is? To the Virgins, to do much of Time. ? By analyzing the work of Herrick- ? To the Virgins? in peculiar, his life, and the times he lived in its possible to derive a greater grasp and apprehension of what he was composing approximately. Specifically the intent is to analyze how Herrick? s usage of imagination with his words contributes to the lyricality of the verse forms. We will write a custom essay sample on Gather Ye Rosebuds Essay Research Paper It or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old clip is still a-flying ; And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be deceasing. The glorious lamp of Eden, the Sun, The higher he # 8217 ; s a-getting, The Oklahoman will his race be run, And nearer he # 8217 ; s to puting. That age is best which is the first, When young person and blood are heater ; But being spent, the worse, and worst Timess still win the former. Then be non demure, but utilize your clip, And, while ye may, travel marry ; For, holding lost but one time your prime, You may forever tarry. ? To the Virgins, to do much of Time? is a poem unquestionably representative of the poesy of Herrick. In peculiar, notice the usage of nouns heavy on imagination. Such as? rosebud? , ? a-flying? , ? lamp of Eden? , and? puting sun. ? Each of these words and phrases bring to mind specific images. This verse form was one of the 1,130 in the aggregation that Herrick had published as portion of Hesperides in 1648. ? To the Virgins? is representative of many of Herrick? s best poesy. It uses extended imagination, particularly with flowers. What it is most representative of it is how it is lyrical. There is ample grounds that Herrick intended many of his verse forms to be set to music including? To the Virgins? . A. E. Gilmore wrote an essay on Herrick and the lyricality in his poesy. He points out, ? ? To the Virgins? is written wholly in ballad signifier. One can certify to this virtuousness by singing? To the Virgins? or? To Anthea? to the melody of ( Ben ) Johnson? s? Drinke to me, onely, ? since that most popular of all seventeenth-century vocals is besides written in ballad step. ( 68 ) ? I sing of Times trans-shifting, and I write How Roses foremost came Red, and Lillies White. The first verse form in Hesperides is? The Argument of his Book. ? This verse form shows what Herrick is able to make with the imagination. With his words he is able to compose about the thought of decease. T.G.S. Cain points this out in the undermentioned quotation mark taken from an essay he wrote covering entirely with the manner Herrick continually brings the transition of clip up in his verse form. ? Of all the topics to which he draws attending in the introductory verse form to Hesperides, ? The Argument of his Book, ? none so dominates Herrick? s work as the one which he calls at that place? Timess trans-shifting. ? It is a topic to which he returns once more and once more in his effort to come to footings with the inevitableness of human transiency and decease. ( 103 ) ? Again both of the poems- ? To the Virgins? and? The Argument of his Book? -contain two common features. They both usage ocular imagination in a manner that references the thought of carpe diem, and are written in a lyrical signifier. That is to state that both of his poems-and most of the remainder of verse forms in Hesperides-could be put to music and Sung aloud. By composing about a topic of such importance-the transition of clip, and making so in a manner that is both delighting to a reader or a hearer Herrick makes a important part to the universe of poesy. An easy reaction to reading Herrick? s poesy is that it is short. Short being a comparative term, but for the most portion this is an accurate statement. Most likely this is the consequence of the ability to state a great deal-even about complex subjects-using powerful words that are strong in imagination. The brevity makes possible the lyricality since the words have to be put in a manner that can be set to music. It is deserving observing that even in a verse form the length of? To the Virgins? that each of the stanzas could lawfully keep up as single verse forms. It is no surprise that comparings are made between the short poetry that Herrick uses and the short verse forms that Nipponese authors use in composing haiku. While holding few words can be taken by some as deficient substance, the Nipponeses have ever appreciated being able to utilize a few strong words to state a great trade. Shonosuke Ishii wrote an essay comparing Herrick? s poesy to that of Nipponese haiku. Ishii says, ? Herrick? s fewer words are frequently more pleasing to the Nipponese esthesia than other poets? fluency or verboseness. Although even Herrick is well more chatty than those Nipponese poets who work with merely 17 or 31 syllables, to the Japanese he does look to appreciate the virtuousnesss of modestness and restraint. ( 193-194 ) ? This can merely be accomplished through selective word pick. Good illustrations in the verse forms antecedently mentioned are: ? times trans-shifting? , and Old clip still a-flying. ? Herrick? s pick to compose verse forms that could besides be vocals might hold been a consequence of his life as a curate. He attended St. John? s College for male childs where he was required to sing hymns day-to-day. The pick of capable affair in the verse forms would be the consequence of the life experiences Herrick had turning up. Harmonizing to the research of Sir Edmund Gosse, Herrick? spent his early life by the river-side, traveling to bath in the summer with crowds of other young persons and? soft-smoothed virgins, ? up every bit far as Richmond. ( Gosse 127 ) . ? In 1607 Herrick was apprenticing as a goldworker before traveling to St. Johns? s. He was really hapless and had to do petitions of his rich uncle in order to pay for his books. His yesteryear is deserving looking at because of the possibility of understanding where the words he uses are coming from. That is to state what the images are that he is composing approximately. The imagination of virgins bathing as seen by a immature male child might be different than simply a random narrative voice. J.B. Broadbent wrote in an essay for the Times Literary Supplement, ? the universe of poesy can neer bury the work of ( Robert ) Herrick. His usage of ocular imagination, in connexion with laies so cardinal to his work, make him a figure of extreme importance. ( P. 836 ) ? . If the thought of less is more is right so the legion short verse forms of Herrick remain a important part to everyone who reads poesy. In his words are the reminders to prehend the twenty-four hours and to detect the beauty in life-such as the flowers and the colourss. By utilizing a manner of lyricality made potent by crisp ocular imagination, Herrick was able to state a great trade about the fantastic universe in which he lived and breathed. Bibliography ? Timess trans-shifting? : Herrick in Meditation by T.G.S. Cain
Monday, April 13, 2020
Freedom of speech on the internet Essay Example
Freedom of speech on the internet Paper Before the emergence of the internet the mass media was the main mediator of the opinion of the public. All the information spread out by the mass media was filtered and chosen by editors to publish. The information is selected because the media is not able to present every opinion and every voice of the public. They can never publish or broadcast all the information. The most people are simple receivers of information, because the change for average persons to express their opinions on television or radio is very small. With the advent of the internet, new actors and gatekeepers appeared. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom of speech on the internet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom of speech on the internet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom of speech on the internet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although people have freedom of expression, telecom and mass media are state-regulated and also print media are supervised by the state. The idea behind this is that people are protected from abuses such as discriminations done by other citizens. With the emergence of the internet as a new technology the question arises if it needs the same regulations as other mass media. Internet Censorship Like all other media the internet is censored by the state. Governments of non-democratic counties are using censorship, but also democratic states are regulating their media. The idea behind regulation of the state is to protect the people from who are crossing the lines of humanity and morality and abuses the freedom they have online. It is definitely not the intention to limit the right of freedom of expression. With other media it is much easier to control everything that is being published. While the internet is an international network and the national borders are more pervious online. Everyone will be able to find information on websites hosted by other countries. Although governments can prevent their people from viewing certain sites by filtering what people can and cannot access. The main issues that are controlled by most media are vulgarity, racism and violence (Pallai, 2010). The good thing about censorship is that it prevents provocative material that is very likely to offense others. Everyone has freedom of expression but at the same time no one has the right to discriminate or disrespect someone. Also controls the state online advertising. To discourage people from for example smoking or drinking, there is no advertisement about those stimulants. Also to protect peoples privacy, to prevent plagiarism and to conserve morals are reasons for censorship by the state (Pallai, 2010). Some are against censorship by the state because in their opinion it affects the freedom of expression. Withholding information can lead to a lack of knowledge and a completely wrong image among the people. Sometimes it can be good to learn from extreme topics such as the dangers of sexual diseases or mindless violence by showing the public instead of trying to hide it. Besides that, when you are trying to hide issues from the people they might become more curious about it. And people should have the right to know and the right to receive reliable and accurate information. If people are badly informed they might fail to see their actual interest. (Norris, 2004) Censorship is a very complicated topic and it the government might misuse the power they have to withhold information from the people in their own advantage. However used properly, censorship can be a very valuable and useful tool. As long as it is only used to prevent abuse on the internet and to protect people from getting hurt, while maintaining the freedom of expression. Because the internet is growing, it is very likely to result in more and more control and surveillance by the state and corporations (Friedman, 1996). Simultaneously it leads to new forms and ways of communication, which will grow the treat of surveillance. It will threaten privacy and the rights of individuals, just as the rights of groups to discuss and organize on the internet. Important here is that, although privacy is threatened by many different departments, Friedman (1996) argues that the number one treat is surveillance by the government. We have to pay attention to the fact that the distribution of information technology is very likely to lead to a society that is less en less self-governed. Limitations on the internet are a fine line between protecting the people from dangers of the new technology and maintaining the right of freedom of expression. But we have to make sure that, by putting restricting on the accessibility of the internet, we dont prejudice the great positive potential of this new technology. Because maybe some rules devised for other kinds of media, might be unsuitable for the internet (Human rights education associates, 2010). An other disadvantage that influences the freedom of expression is the accessibility of it. The cost of the internet, once provided a computer, are significantly lower than most other communication media. However anyone who wants to participate needs the hardware that is necessary to get online. That means you have to have the money for purchasing computer equipment. Although the internet is a very fast growing new technology, it is still not available for the most people in the world (Hacker, 1996). The biggest problem that arises is that a great part of the people doesnt have the funds to get access to the internet, which means they are not able to participate. New technologies favor those who with capital, more than those without capital (Hacker, 1996, pp. 226). Friedland (1996) stated in his article that democracy is changed by the internet but it is seldom thoroughly specified. With the emergence of this new technology, a new form of democracy arises, which leads to new citizen practices. The increase of a confidential information infrastructure will cause a growing inequality between the people who have access to all the information and the ones who have not. Therefore it will threaten democratic participation. The only way to secure that everyone has the same benefits and access to the information is making sure the sector is controlled by public provision and contribution. Conclusion Freedom of expression is a primary human right and everyone deserves that right. With the emergence of the internet people have been introduced to a whole new form of human interaction. With the access to the World Wide Web people are able to cross borders and to express their selves freely, without limits. Because the internet is not administered by one single entity, it is a very open medium, which clarifies itself by the variety of communications forms. With hardly any boundaries it is difficult to protect the human rights. The great power of the internet is at the same time the greatest weakness. Like other media, the internet is censored by the state. Important is to make sure that we dont prejudice the great positive potential of this new technology by putting restriction on the internet. The internet will have a positive impact on freedom of expression and democracy as long as it represents the voice of the public, without limit (Norris, 2004). Unfortunately the control of the state often limits the freedom of expression, ignoring the interests and the needs of the public. Even though it is not the most sufficient choice, censorship by the government is necessary. Norris (2004) is making clear that states with free, widespread and independent media are stronger and more stable than others. It illustrates that free and uncensored media can play an essential role in maintaining democracy and freedom of expression. In addition to that there is a large group in the population that doesnt have access to the internet. There will be a growing inequality between the people who have access and the ones who have not and that will threaten democratic participation. The only way to secure equality is making sure the internet is controlled by the state. References: Article 19. International treaties, principles and declarations. [Online] Available at: http://www. article19. org/work/regions/latin-america/FOI/english/intstandards/index. html (Accessed: 31 October 2010) Friedland, L. A. (1996). Electronic democracy and the new citizenship. Media, Culture Society 18(2), pp. 185-212. Hacker, K. L. (1996). Missing links in the evolution of electronic democratization. Media, Culture Society 18(2), pp. 213-232. Human rights education associates (2010). Freedom of expression. [Online]. Available at: http://www. hrea. org/index. php? doc_id=408 (Accessed: 1 November 2010) Jacobs, J. (1998). Democracy and the internet. [Online]. Available at: http://www. abc. net. au/ola/citizen/interdemoc/democ. htm (Accessed: 30 October 2010) Jorgensen, R. F. (2001). Internet and freedom of expression. [Online]. Available at: http://scholar. google. nl/scholar? q=internet+and+freedom+of+expressionhl=nlas_sdt=0as_vis=1oi=scholart (Accessed: 31 October 2010) McSmith, A. (2007). The big question: does the internet liberate or undermine democracy? The Independent, 23 February 2007. [Online] Available at: http://www. independent. co. uk/news/uk/politics/the-big-question-does-the-internet-liberate-or-undermine-democracy-437477. html (Accessed: 30 October 2010) Norris, P. (2004). Giving a voice to the voiceless: good government, human development and mass communications. [Online]. Available at: http://ksghome. harvard. edu/~. pnorris. shorenstein. ksg/Acrobat/Pfetsch%20chapter. pdf. (Accessed: 1 November 2010) Pillai, P. (2010). Pros and cons of censorship. [Online]. Available at: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/pros-and-cons-of-censorship. html (Accessed: 1 November 2010).
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Nike Sweat Shops Essays (798 words) - Economy, Clothing
Nike Sweat Shops.txt Essays (798 words) - Economy, Clothing Nike Sweat Shops There has been much debate and controversy recently concerning Nike's Asian labour practices. This is a very complex issue and one that is a long way from being solved. It is very difficult to determine which side of this argument to defend, as both sides acknowledge the facts, yet put a completely different spin on them. Do you believe Nike's critics who say they're exploiting workers? Or, do you believe Nike when they say that they are giving workers in these countries wonderful opportunities to raise their standard of living? The consensus answer to this question by all sides seems to be that Nike is improving but still has a ways to go. Nike's Asian ties can be traced back to the birth of the company. The CEO, chairman of the board of directors, and co-founder, Phil Knight, wrote his masters thesis at Stanford University in the 1960's on the prospects for using Asian labor to produce goods cheaper and more effectively. In order to incorporate this plan in to Nike's business structure, a partnership was set up with a Japan based company called Tiger Sports. Tiger Sports would manufacture shoes for Nike in Asia then shipped them to the United States to sell. In the 1980's however, this aspect of Nike's partnership with Tiger Sports was dissolved, and Nike was forced to expand production from the United States to countries such as Taiwan and Korea where their products could be manufactured at the same relatively low cost that Nike enjoyed through the Tiger Sports partnership. Over the last five of years, however, the production numbers for these countries have been decreasing at an alarming rate due to the fact that th eir economies expanded at a very rapid pace. This, in turn, caused the cost of labour to increase dramatically, and therefore Nike could no longer produce their product as efficiently as before. In lieu of the rapid economic growth in the pacific rim, and the increased production cost, Nike has moved more into countries such as Vietnam and China where the labour is cheaper and labour laws less stringent. (VLF, VN Fact Sheet) Nike does not own any of the factories that produces its products in Asia, and subsequently they do not directly employ the workers or management. They contract out work to factories that make all of the products and run all of the factories. They do, however, have a massive amount of leverage when dealing with these factories because of the huge contracts they supply. To ensure good labour practices, Nike has a Code of Conduct that every contractor must agree to abide by in order to get a contract. The Conduct Code in theory condemns and prohibits child labour, requires that workers be paid fair wage, imposes caps on the days and hours a worker can be forced to work, prohibits mistreatment or discrimination of workers in any form, obligates factories to implement programs that benefit worker's health and safety, and recognizes and respects the workers right to freedom of association. There are 1000 Nike employees worldwide monitoring operations at the subcontractors and specifically the Code of Conduct adherent. The most consistent criticism of Nike is that the workers in the factories contracted by them are not aware of the Code of Conduct that was agreed upon, and/or it is not enforced (especially the wages and overtime aspects) by the factory officials. Critics contend that the factories pay less than minimum wage at times, force too many overtime hours, and fail to make the workplace as clean and as safe as standards dictate. Many of the factories that are contracted have workers and management from different countries, causing some problems in communication. Some factories in China have Taiwanese Managers while factories in Vietnam have Korean managers. This is one reason offered by Nike in defense of the factories failure to comply with the Code of Conduct. To look into this issue, earlier this year Nike commissioned Andrew Young, a former civil rights leader and United Nations ambassador to do an analysis of how well the Code was working. Young and his staff visited four factories in Vietnam, Indonesia, and China for three to four hours
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Zionism and the Negation of the Diaspora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Zionism and the Negation of the Diaspora - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the concept of the negation of the Diaspora was a slogan that showed a negative attitude toward the Diaspora. It was commonly supported by the Zionists who suggested that solutions to the national problem can be found beyond the Diaspora. This position of the Zionists reflected a negative attitude towards Diaspora or exile, which is an objective attitude because it relates to the issue itself rather than the reactions of the Zionists. This paper argues that the negation of the Diaspora demonstrates an objective negative attitude that the Zionist Jews had towards Diaspora, and the Zionists demonstrated this slogan by opposing dispersion and advocating for the establishment of Jewish State in the historic homeland of the Jews. This slogan was demonstrated through the acts and thoughts of Zionists. Zionism rose as a movement of the Jews in the western world that fought for the Jewish rights and unity after being dispersed and alienated in foreign lands for a long time. Zionism considered religious mechanisms essential to revive and foster a national consciousness of Jews. They were concerned with the establishment of the Jewish solution to the Jewish problem. Zionism is also considered as a movement that supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the Jewish historic homeland in early 20th century. Zionists existed in different groups, but they all had common thoughts for the Jews.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Free Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Free Topic - Essay Example The inner thoughts of the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard, form the leitmotif of story. News of a railroad accident in which Mr. Brently Mallard had supposedly died and what happens in the span of an hour afterwards form the plot. Chopin focuses on Mrs. Mallard’s unique psyche through the narrative technique of interior monologue. Her sister Josephine and Mr. Mallard’s friend Richards break the news of Mr. Mallard’s death as gently as possible. The readers are also led to believe that the news could have a devastating effect on her. She is described as responding instantaneously to the news by weeping at once, â€Å"with wild abandonment†. Contrary to many women who would have remained in a paralyzed inability to accept the news and its significance, she did let her emotions flow on a stretch. However, she went alone to her room once the storm of grief had subsided. No one was allowed to follow her there. The time she spent alone in her room happens to be the tu rning point in the story. She continued sobbing absent mindedly for a while, in a stupor-like condition. But she kept on staring outside through the open window, supposedly in a â€Å"suspension of intelligent thought†. She realized something coming to her, but was unable to realize it fully. Her demeanor changed dramatically as she realized that it is freedom that is awaiting her. She got very excited at this prospect. Even as she reflected on the necessity to weep once her husband’s dead body arrives, the state of excitement refuses to fade away from her essence of being. She thought of love as something that existed only occasionally in her relationship with her husband. Love seemed like an unsolved mystery to her while she was swept away by a possession of self-assertion. She perceives that she is free altogether now, body and soul. The twist in the end reveals that the information regarding the death of Mr. Mallard was baseless, and he turns up
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Principles of Physical Security Essay Example for Free
Principles of Physical Security Essay Physical security is the wide phenomena that are taken for the prevention or determent of attackers from a possible access of a resource, information that is stored within physical media and facilities. Physical security is viewed under three fundamental aspects. These are; †¢ Responding adequately to the measures of security that would repel or catch the possible attackers in the event of detection. †¢ Using gadgets and implements that are forthwith important in the control of secure atmosphere. This could include cameras, security lighting and use of alarms, patrols by security guards that provide easy noticing of attacks. †¢ Facilitation of obstacles that are aimed at frustrating any possible attackers and delaying the serious security cases. A proper set of security designs has the compliment of all these structures that work cohesively with one another. A good physical security design is a compliment of four important factors which are intrusion detection, electronic and mechanical access controls, environmental design and video monitoring. Physical security is based on various principles that are applied to solve various security concerns at varied depths. (Walter, 1997). These include; Building security:  Buildings are the source of residence for human beings. However, their structural planning and establishments is compromised by various security threat factors that make the life of those living in them unsafe. Building security therefore implies all the fundamental components of architectural and construction concerns that make buildings safe places for living and hostage. It is the compound of all structures that provide authenticity in the physical structures that provides the safest levels for the habitation. The guarantee for this security is well accorded during the designing phase of the building. The aspect of this security is inclusive of both the internal and the external environments that are occupied by the building. The physical structure of the building should be designed in the most appropriate manner that provides the highest levels of security measures for its inhabitants. It should include a coordinated design in the roofs, walls outlet such as doors, windows and locks (Donald, 1997) Ground security: This is the protective aspect that is attached to airports and its surrounding environment. It includes all aspects that are attached to the physical structure of an airport that makes it a safe place for the various activities that goes on within their contemporaries. It incorporates adequate placement of the structures such as runways, surveillance services, communication systems and all aspects that are endowed within the structures of an airport. Due to the delicacy of the airport operations, high importance should be attached in the highest levels of security for the activities and processes of the airport (Azari, 2003) Access control systems: These are systems of control that are applied in securing adequate security towards information and other facets of information systems. This is the provisions of providing the legitimate users with the principles with which they should apply in assessing stored data. Information is deemed as an essential aspect and a resource aspect within any organization. Access control systems should therefore address the fundamentals with which the information should be mined, shared and made into use. Improper and illegitimate use of data and information may lead to comparative disadvantages for the organization. Improper and inappropriate use of information is subject to huge loses to an organization through misuse of the data and information that leaves the organization at a competitive disadvantage when its information is used by its competitors to develop business strengths. Importantly, the aspects of corporate intelligence as well as industrial espionage are two important aspects that define the rationality for data security. The current business environment and the expanding technological advancement have seen this process fully acknowledged. Various tools have been used to safeguard the organization information and their respective systems. Substantially therefore, physical security on information and their systems remains implicit for the success of the organization (Harold, 2003) Perimeter security: This is the broad components of techniques and methods that are used in providing an outer bounder security of premises. This is essential in preventing possible access of unauthorized persons within the premises. These may keep off trespassers, thieves, unauthorized persons and others persons. It can be secured using physically constructed walls and fences. Perimeter security is made to advance the most optimal security prospects that would help to safeguard the internal structures that are endowed within premises. Perimeter security should be advanced therefore as protective measures that safeguard the internal prospects of the premises. Technological advances security: This is the security protection for innovations, technological advancements, designs and process improvements. This should be protected to avoid losses through comparative disadvantages occurring form business competitors. It includes intellectual property security that can be provided through trademarks. Innovations come as the process of advancement in specific lines of production and manufacturing or personal production of his/her intellectual work. Security on these productions providing the environment with which the producer or the copyright owners can be safeguarded form any possible activities of misuse of the product that may make the profit motive of the technology to be unmet. (Peter, 2000)
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Lifting as We Climb Essay -- Essays Papers
Lifting as We Climb Harriet Jacobs, Frances E. W. Harper, and Anna Julia Cooper are three African American female writers who have greatly impacted the progress of "black womanhood." Through their works, they have successfully dispelled the myths created about black women. These myths include two major ideas, the first being that all African American women are perceived as more promiscuous than the average white woman. The second myth is that black women are virtually useless, containing only the capabilities of working in white homes and raising white children. These myths caused these women to be degraded in the eyes of others as well as themselves. In Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Harper's Iola Leroy, and Cooper's A Voice From the South, womanhood is defined in ways that have destroyed these myths. As seen through these literary works, womanhood is defined according to one's sexuality, spirituality, beauty, identity, relationships, and motherhood. Harriet Jacobs Harriet Jacobs was born in 1813 into a slave family. Her father, a carpenter, was highly skilled in his trade. For the first few years of her life, Jacobs lived a happy, normal childhood. She was fortunate enough to live in the same household as her parents and her younger brother, William. When she turned six, her mother passed away, leaving her under the care of her grandmother. In her narrative, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Harriet describes her life as a southern slave, calling herself Linda. She discusses the abuse she endured during servitude and how she managed to overcome it. After twenty-seven years of servitude, Jacobs escapes to a life of freedom. She spent the rest of her days working as a reformer, a Civil War and R... ... the strength black women have mentally as well as physically. Their involvement in various Women's Groups has also helped to create a better image for black women. Throughout their lives, they have shown that whatever obstacles a good black woman may face, you can never keep her down! Bibliography Cooper, Anna J. A Voice From the South. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Harper, Frances. Iola Leroy. New York: Penguin Books, 1992. Hutchinson, Louise Daniel. Anna J. Cooper, A Voice From the South. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981. Jacobs, Harriet. "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl." The Classic Slave Narratives. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. 333-513. Pellow, David W. H. "Anna Julia Cooper." Notable Black American Women. Ed. Jessie Carney Smith. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992. P. 218-224.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Presidents and Their Decisions Essay
The book â€Å"Presidents and Their Decisions: Richard M. Nixon†is an assortment of essays written by many very well known social and political giants of Washington who either praised Nixon or criticized him. Nixon was a driven individual of high intelligence who emerged from humble beginnings and was willing to behave ruthlessly in order to secure power and influence. Nixon, who took office in 1969, had an instinctive bent toward foreign affairs and was a realists who believed that the United States should pursue a foreign policy closely aligned with the country’s national interests rather than one directed mainly by ideological and moral concerns, as these had contributed to a proliferation of foreign commitments, heightened Cold War tensions and created a tendency to see the world in simplistic black and white categories. In domestic affairs, inflation was President Nixon’s most persistent economic problem. Initially, he tried to cut federal expenditures, but the annual budget deficits of his administration grew to become the largest in history up to that time. In 1971 and 1973 the administration devalued the dollar in an attempt to achieve a balance of trade. Despite his well known to government controls, Nixon initiated his New Economic Policy, which included unprecedented peacetime controls on wages and prices. With the opportunity to appoint four Supreme Court justices, the President was able to redirect the court toward the strict constructionism he espoused. The book details from the outset how Nixon wanted to extricate the United States from the bloodletting of Vietnam. It ended up alternating between expanding the war with intensifying the bombing campaign and by bringing about the slow withdrawal of American troops under the aegis of â€Å"Vietnamisation†. The latter was but a veil for American defeat, and despite the signing of the Paris peace accords in 1973 South Vietnam crumbled under the weight of the communist onslaught two years later. Yet the Saigon regime had been abandoned more by a congress weary of international exertions than by the White House. The writers also go on to discuss the East West detente that was more productive. By opening the Soviet Union to Western influence, detente eroded communism’s hold on its people at home and abroad. This development would make itself felt mainly in the following decade. Arms control agreements helped to moderate the nuclear arms race and was a Cold War first. However, detente provoked particular controversy among those who held that negotiating with the Soviets was immoral and who sought with some success to impede its development. The Cold War reasserted itself with a vengeance in the late 70’s. The book discusses the diplomatic approach to Communist China in 1972 and how it was a landmark opening in modern United States diplomatic history and gave Washington more room for diplomacy in relation to Moscow. Only Nixon, with his well established anti-communist credentials, could have engineered the opening without generating a conservative outcry in the United States. Nixon, along with Kissinger, tilted towards the repressive state of Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971 and was driven by calculations of Cold War geopolitics rather than by the reality that the conflict was primarily a regional one. Among other things discussed, the tilt sullied the administration’s reputation and its credibility with the press. American complicity in the overthrow of the democratically elected, left-wing politician in Chile in 1973 was derived from exaggerated fears of the South Americans leader’s capacity to compromise American security interests. This also contradicted Washington’s traditional commitment to national self-determination. Nixon wanted to use foreign affairs to distract the American public from the Watergate scandal and after his resignation in 1974 he had some success in rehabilitating his reputation by presenting himself as an elder statesman. In the years following his resignation, there was much controversy stemming in part from his pardon. There was question as to whether a president could pardon one who had not been convicted, whether the pardon was granted in the spirit of healing the wounds of the scandal or of patching over. Another area of controversy discussed was the question of Nixon’s alleged profit from misconduct. This was in receiving giant sums for interviews and books. But then again wouldn’t the question of conviction come into play? The book was very interesting and gave the reader a broad perspective of the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. As well as giving the reader a more objective look at a period in American History that so many have forgotten what really happened. I found the book easy to read and would recommend this book for any layperson as well as any student interested in political science. I felt it gave a very clear picture of Richard Nixon’s presidency both attributes and faults.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
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